Saturday, January 5, 2013

Camden's 1st Birthday

We can't believe it has already been a year! On Camden's birthday we celebrated with some 12 month photos in his birthday crown!
Listening to the music
One Year!
Great Grandma Klundt came over and brought Camden some presents. We skyped Grandpa Scott and Grandma Julie and Grandpa Jay and Grandma Jerrie and opened some presents from us.


On Friday, we celebrated with a one year check up and four shots! Camden cried more this time since it was two in the arm and two in the leg but he still did pretty well. He is healthy and doing well in all his milestones. Later that night we had the Davis' over for dinner and cupcakes. Camden got spoiled with more presents. 
We did traditional slime cake but in cupcake form and Camden ate some but didn't seem too excited by it.
He wanted to grab the candle so we just blew it out for him
Reigning over his dominion with an iron fork

Today we went to the aquarium. Camden still loves watching the other kids but he actually paid attention to the fish too.
He looks so old in his new Vans

Enjoying the otters with Dad

Dan and I haven't had much luck getting Camden to repeat his walking efforts but at his party Uncle Sam got him to take 8 steps! Today we tried some bribery with yogurt bites and got a lot of whining but pretty good results.

We can't believe it has been a year (actually sometimes I can!) but we are sooo lucky to have Camden. We were talking about how much we made fun of those people who only talked about their kids before we had Camden and now we are them! We wouldn't trade it though. You never know how much a baby adds to your life (becomes your life) until you have one. We enjoy hanging out with Camden and there is nothing that seems as important in comparison.


Jo Ann said...

thanks for sharing the video of his first steps. He will be running all over before you know it. He's so adorable.

Klundt Family said...

Starting him off with a slime cake! I'll bet that was messy! You were smart to have him eat it without his shirt on.

He does look more like a little boy and less like a baby.

He didn't look too wobbly as he was taking his steps. He'll be running around when we see him next!

Katie Mullins said...

Happy Birthday Camden!! I can not believe it has been a year!! I loved the video, what a handsome boy!

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