I know all the family already knows this and that's pretty much who read the blog but I figured I'd better update here since I'm really bad at any other kind of journal-ing. So...
Here are the answers to the most commonly asked questions : )
I'm due March 1st. I have been more sick than I was with Camden. No throwing up but feeling like I have the flu and super queasy and gaggy. Smells really get to me this time. We've spent a lot of time watching TV and laying on the floor. I am starting to feel better and have a bit more energy to get things done. I finally cleaned most of the house yesterday after a long long time. Dan has been super helpful and takes Camden on adventures every weekend so I can sleep in or take a nap or both! I pretty much only feel good when I'm eating and have already gained a lot of weight! People ask if we want a boy or girl and obviously we'd be ok with either. I'm kind of torn because I think boys are easier but I already have one :) It's a good thing we don't get to pick! We'll find out in October some time.
We brought Camden with us to the appointment where we heard the heartbeat and told him he was going to be a big brother. He has mixed emotions.I think we freaked him out because we were telling him he was going to meet the Dr who pulled him out of my tummy and he got kind of worried and said "I don't want to go in mom's tummy!" We reassured him that he was already here so he didn't have to go back in. When we heard the heartbeat we told him there was a baby but I don't know how much he picked up.He mentions it every now and then but he still has a while to adjust. I'm pretty sure he is going to be one of those kids who reverts back to his baby phase but we'll see. He is really good with the neighborhood babies we watch and is usually pretty soft with his cousins so hopefully he will be a good brother. It's kind of nice that Krista and Shauna are due sooner so that he can get used to babies being around before we have ours. Thanks guys!
Anyway, in non pregnancy news, I was called to YW. Did I mention that already? We have girls camp this week and I'll be going up for two out of the three days. We have 11 girls coming which is more than we've ever had at an activity. Almost all of them came to church on Sunday too! Hopefully things go well. Dan had high adventure next week and they are going white water rafting. I guess this is the summer of youth camps for us. Ok now for pictures!
Camden loves FHE because we get dessert. His favorite option is M&M's. | He asks to have FHE throughout the week. |
I guess we are in the gun phase now. The only place I can think he picked it up is the Lego movie. Luckily guns in the movie just make things break. |
We do lots of laying on the floor activities when I feel sick (all day) so we made bracelets one day. This one was for Dan. |
We also lay on the floor and play with flashlights and take pictures of cute tummies! |
And practice our no hands skillz! |
After yet another tantrum over getting his hair washed, we decided it was time for a haircut. Krista squeezed us in that day and it its much easier to do now.
I tried taking a picture of his hair but he wouldn't smile until our milkshake got there! |
One productive hour, we made play cookies. And cheese of course! |
Brooklyn turned 5 last week and was nice enough to invite Camden to her all girls tea party. He loved it!
The birthday girl and cousins in their fancy duds. |
Krista tried to make the activities a little more boyish for him but I assured her he wouldn't mind flowers and pink at all. She did get him this cute top hat instead of a straw hat and I think it was pretty cute!
Enjoying lunch and tea. |
Playing musical chairs. Camden got out pretty early on but he kept running around the circle during the music and then going back to his chair on the side lines when it stopped. |
The whole party. Dan was making them laugh so hard. He was the best entertainment. |
Yesterday, we were really productive! We grocery shopped for us and camp, visited cousins, cleaned the house, made dessert for FHE and two dinners! I think I'll take the rest of the week off ;)
"do you want me to taste it mom?" |
It's been raining a lot lately and we love it! I'm a sorry Arizonan this summer because it has seemed too hot. I'm blaming the pregnancy but I am actually really looking forward to the cooler weather.
Feeling the rain with Dad |
Well, this was a long one! I'll end with this adorable video of Camden and Dan. They are quite the duo.
Nicole!! Congrats you guys!
We love his new haircut. Krista did a good job. And it really transforms him. Thank you for establishing FHE as a regular part of your lives. I know that it will be a great blessing to Camden and your family.
Nice, you and Dan are the greatest parents. I'm happy Camden will have a little brother or sister to share the love.
Wha Wha Wha What?!?!?! YAY!!! Nicole So happy for you!! i can not believe I just now saw this!! YAY!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!
Katie pointed me in this direction----I'm overjoyed for you. I am so happy for you!
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