Friday, December 28, 2012


On Christmas eve we had dinner at Dan's parent's house and then did our secret Santa gift exchange. Camden wasn't feeling too well so we came home and went right to bed. That night Dan (who was also sick) was up until about 2:30 and then Camden woke up at four. I didn't get much sleep (none of us did) and after getting Camden back to bed around 5:30 we just decided to get up and get ready for the day. Dan and I exchanged gifts and had breakfast and then Camden woke up around seven. It was actually kind of nice to be done with our gifts so we could focus on Camden.
"New" Christmas PJs
 Camden was not interested in opening his gifts and got mad when we made him stop playing with his old toys to open his new ones! Once we started he was more interested.
1st present!

Socks! (He looks thrilled huh)
 We Skyped my dad and Julie so they could watch Camden open their presents and then Camden had a 30 min nap. He was still sick and sleepy when we went to Dan's parents, so we pretty much opened everything for him from Grandma and Grandpa Davis. He did smile for one family picture (even though Dan and I aren't looking so hot).
 That night Camden slept for maybe four hours on and off in our arms. His cough had gotten really bad and it would wake him up. He was coughing so hard he even threw up. He was miserable and it was so sad! On the 26th he was looking even worse so we took him in to the Dr. and he said Camden definitely had an ear infection and possibly a bronchial infection. He put him on an antibiotic and Camden has been doing much better since. Dan and his dad gave him a blessing and he slept from about 9 to 7 that night and had great naps yesterday. His cough has eased up a lot and it hasn't woken him up at all. The Dr. said to pay close attention to his breathing because of all the yucky stuff going around but Camden seems to be doing well still. He is up and walking his new puppy around and playing with his new toys.
Stubborn baby just had to have puppy with him
 It has been snowing non stop for about three or four days now. It is up to our second back step! I don't think I have ever seen this much snow!
Yesterday I was able to go to lunch and see a movie with a friend of mine and it was so nice to have some uninterrupted adult conversation! I've loved having Dan home for so long and I'm sad his vacation is half over! Today Dan's mom is going to watch Camden for us so we can run some birthday errands! I can't believe he is almost one!

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December 2019

 Still playing catch up. The boys wrote their letters to Santa on the long drive home. We went to Luminaria with the cousins and had our ann...