Monday, November 12, 2012

Quiet book

 I decided to make Camden a quiet book this past weekend. While my mom was here she helped me narrow down my page options and figure out some of the logistics. I thought it would take me forever since i am below a novice seamstress but it only took a couple of days (during nap time!). I'm actually pretty pleased with how it turned out (which is new for me in the craft world). Don't look too closely and don't judge my sewing skills please!

Front cover
Back inside cover
Used rings to "bind" it so I can add more pages later
First page (the only one Camden really likes right now)
The next two pages are Mr. Potato Head inspired but I thought monsters would be cuter instead. I still need to make some arms and other accessories.
With some of my favorite face pieces on
This page is my favorite. The boat is pretty simple but it holds an animal for each letter.
Here are the animals! Alligator, bat, cow, duck, elephant, frog, giraffe, hippo, iguana, jaguar, kangaroo, lion, monkey, Noah, owl, pig, quail, rabbit, snail, turtle, Unicorn (not pictured), vulture, walrus, foX, yak, and zebra!

Next to Noah is the ocean. Eventually there will be a fishing pole and all the creatures will be magnetic!
The last page. This one he can slide the "crayons" into their pockets in the box.
I finished much sooner than I thought and I already have a lot more page ideas. Camden is a little young for some of these still but it won't be long!


Klundt Family said...

That looks like a fun book, and it looks like it took a lot of work, too, especially with all of the little monster pieces and animals.

Great job, Nicole!

Katie Mullins said...

WOW!! You are so crafty! I want to make one now!

Katie said...


December 2019

 Still playing catch up. The boys wrote their letters to Santa on the long drive home. We went to Luminaria with the cousins and had our ann...