Monday, November 12, 2012

101 Camden photos

 Ok, I don't want to disappoint anyone, there aren't literally 101, but i do have A LOT of cute ones.

Happy to see the flash

Giving puppy kisses

Awesome bed head (and why i don't bother trying to style his hair)
 Helping Dad sort the mail

Showing off his teeth

All bundled up in his first winter coat for the walk to church (despite the fact that I hate that it's cold enough that he needs one, he does look awfully cute in it)
He loves to see himself in the camera

He played with these two packs of Swedish Fish for like 20 minutes!


jerrie said...

love them all! I dont think he giving puppy kisses,more like biting his nose, but still very cute. I like the look with the candy in his hands, hes thinking something. also very cute.
thank you again for sharing! love you

Klundt Family said...

Great photos! Thanks for sharing them.

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