Wednesday, November 28, 2012


 This year we went to AZ for Thanksgiving. It was Camden's first flight and I was a little nervous. Dan decided we should only do carry ons and I doubted it could be done but we did! We anxiously awaited the day of our flight. To pass the time, we waited outside for Dad and debated on whether or not pants were necessary for our trip. 

 Dan's mom bought Camden this adorable Thanksgiving shirt. I took a picture of him in it on Thanksgiving but he was much less happy.

We made it through security easily and waited for our plane! By this point Camden had missed two naps and it was approaching bed time so I was pretty nervous for our flight. 
 As soon as we started taxi-ing, Camden started dozing!
 He slept for about half the flight and wasn't a terror for the rest! He definitely was not the worst kid on the plane.

Unfortunately when we landed he started acting sick. Wednesday we took him to urgent care after he threw up three times in the car on the way home. Not fun! He had a cold and an ear infection.

Camden was again spoiled by attention and some adorable gifts! My dad and Julie got him a cute onesie and the cutest Mickey mouse shoes ever from Disney World.
 At my moms, we compared Camden's hand print to mine from 1995. He still has a ways to go.
 My mom found this pack n play for 20 bucks in perfect condition! I realized how big Camden is getting seeing him in this.

** I went back and looked through some old pictures and found these two. One from January and one from May. He was so tiny! **
Overall, it was a good trip. The first three or four days were rough but once the antibiotics kicked in it was a lot better. We enjoyed great company, wonderful food, and played lots of games! I love any week where Dan gets to be home all the time! Camden loved the cats and dog and having tons of people around to "walk" him. Thanks for everything!

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December 2019

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