Sunday, September 18, 2011

Found it!

Um... my camera was in my purse...where Dan suggested I look Here they are:

1st some yard pictures. this is a semi-before of behind our house. You should be noticing the crazy slope towards our house from the rock wall and the wooden steps (behind the grill) leading into the fence.

Here is that section now. You should be noticing that the steps and the concrete slab under then are gone! The beginnings of a flower bed on the right and soon to be level ground for pavers on the left!
this one is looking from behind the house out. More planter bed and a dug out area for a patio! Plus a mound of dirt we don't know how we are going to get rid of yet.
Here is a nice leveled sections of yard all ready for sod. I can't wait to have a nice green lawn just in time for the snow :)
OK, now some of our AZ adventures: This was shopping for the birthday girls. I did tell them to squish together but the amount of squishing was their choice.
This is Barbie's dream house that I changed my mind on at the last minute and made Dan drive over and pick up the morning we left. The following are just to prove that summer in AZ is wonderful. Look at how blue that water is. And the sky. And the palms. And the rolling out of bed and hopping into the pool! (Wait I am supposed to be getting excited for fall right...)
This is the adorable baby blanket, bonnet, and booties my grandma knitted for us. I opened them and she announced that she had knitted them 4 years ago saying we took longer than she expected! She also made one in pink just in case :)
Lastly, these are the cute new fabrics for my many projects! (PS Steph, I love looking at your I wants on your blog. I'm glad you don't delete them so I see and covet them too! I wish we lived closer so we could make fun boy things together.)
Ok, 2 posts in one day, i understand this is my own absent minded fault, but don't expect to see anything else on here in a while!

1 comment:

Shopkins said...

I love the fabric!!! Oh Nicole..have I not told you about Pinterest?!!? You would love it more than my 'I want' page. It was so much fun seeing you when you were here. thanks for taking the time to come over! So excited for you guys and excited to see your crafts!! you better blog about them!

December 2019

 Still playing catch up. The boys wrote their letters to Santa on the long drive home. We went to Luminaria with the cousins and had our ann...