Tuesday, October 25, 2011

6yrs and patio!

The first weekend in October Dan and I celebrated the 6 yr anniversary of our first date! I probably wouldn't remember the exact day but it was on Saturday night after General Conference so it is easy to keep track of. Here is an attempt at a picture of both of us:

We gave up (for obvious reasons) and took some individuals:

In other exciting news, we finished our patio!!!!! We were very lucky and had a lot of family come help. Dan and his dad unloaded 4 trucks of gravel and sand and helped bring pavers back.

Here is the yard after the gravel layer
Jared and Sam helped me level the sand and lay about 2400 pavers. Jared was excellent at quality.

Here is the patio with most of the pavers laid and the edging in. On Saturday night all we had left were the cuts.

Dan and I spent Monday from 9-7 cutting and laying pavers for the edges. At one point, Dan said "just six more hours to go" and I almost died! We were both walking like old people for awhile. This isn't an excellent picture of me but it is proof that I helped! I actually touched every single paver in the yard.

Finished! We swept the sand on late last night and will dust it off this weekend. We are sooooo glad to have one huge to do crossed off our list!


Katie said...

Impressive!! And you are adorable.

Katie Mullins said...

That looks great! I wish I were there to see it in person. That looks like lots of work that paid off!

December 2019

 Still playing catch up. The boys wrote their letters to Santa on the long drive home. We went to Luminaria with the cousins and had our ann...