Thursday, June 30, 2011


I never quite know how to say this other than just to say it which is still weird for me, and it seems weirder in print, but ...I'm pregnant!

I'm due in January and I haven't felt too sick. Those are the questions I usually get asked but other than that I don't know what people want to know!

Mostly what people should know is that we have no idea what we are doing so any and alllll suggestions, tips, must do's, etc are very welcome. We are starting to think about all the things we need to buy and I am finding it difficult to find reliable sources on what really are good products and what we will actually need and what is just fluff so please let me know what you loved and what you could have done with out. Anything else you wish you had known would be appreciated too because I probably don't know it!

Anyway, i'm not sure what a proper end to this "announcement" is so.... have an awesome 4th!


Shopkins said...

YAYAYAYAYA!!! When i read these i was just clapping to myself in excitement!! :) Congrats!!!!

Shopkins said...

ok sorry i just now finished your post. I'll give you some suggestions...since i'm pro and everything...NOT. But i was you like 9 months ago.

Enjoy being pregnant!! (i actually really miss it) Don't stress about buying clothes..that is what baby showers are for. If you are breastfeeding get a boppy pillow!! I actually didn't have a crib until now...babies i don't think care where they sleep. I got the crib on craigslist! (tons of baby stuff on there!! i love it!!!)

And know you'll want all this advice but when it comes down to it you are the mom and you know best! :) they don't come with manuals so you'll just have to try things out. They love routine. I always have to think BE CONSISTENT. you'll need tons of diapers! :) and wipes.

With being pregnant...enjoy the ride! I"m so excited for you guys!! Allow Dan and others pamper you! :) because the focus will go from you directly to your baby in 2 one really asks or care about you...all they wanna know is how the baby is. haha sad but true! (unless its your good friends and family)

anyways, let me know if there is anything you need/advice/worries etc. I'm hear for you! Keep me posted!!! I check your blog all the time! Love ya and miss you! I"m in AZ now. so come visit!!!

Heather said...

Nicole!! Congrats! You guys will be such fun new parents!

Tara said...

Nicole!!! Congrats! So exciting! You guys will do great being parents! I probably have lots of suggestions, so let me know if there's anything you are dying to know about!

Shopkins said...

labor and delivery isn't as bad as you think. I was so afraid of it too! I think i was most afraid not knowing when to go to the hospital. haha. but luckily my water broke so i knew i HAD to go. i just never had contractions. will be fine!! ask away! :) its not too bad..just need the epidural...don't know how women do without it! haha ok so happy for you! let me know if you need anything!! Talk to you soon! i'll work on some pictures of myself. haha

Katie Mullins said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!!! YAY!!!! It is a dream come true.... okay Nicole, don't you worry. I just took the excitement level down to something you would be more comfortable with. Congrats! I am so happy for you both! I wish VA was not so far away...oh I am sad.

The Bourne Family said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! So happy for you! You will be the best mom :-)

kami said...

HOORAY!!! Congratulations!! I'm so happy for you guys. When I have a chance to sit down and really think, I'll write some advice for ya :) Love ya!

Lamps Family said...

I guess I haven't looked at your blog for a few weeks. WOW! Congrats guys. I had no idea. I wish I could give you advice. If I was talking straight to ya I know I could give tons, but every child is so different and what works for one, might not work for the other. Some sleep well, others don't sleep at all. Some love the swings like mine, some hate it. Some hate pacifires like mine, others love it. It is always a learning process. The thing I do know is that you live by awesome parents. Your mother-in-law was a great mom and if you need anything, she will for sure be there for you. That would most likely be my best advice is to use her as much as she will let you. WOO-HOO! Please keep me posted on further news. Love ya guys.

Julie Radmall said...

Congratulations Dan and Nicole!! I can't wait to hear if you're going to have a boy or a girl :)

One idea:
We got this little thing called a Snugglenest for the baby to sleep in your bed safely for the first few months. Nelson didn't love being woken up all the time, but it was so nice for me to nurse Autumn then lay her back down right there.

I'm sure you'll find what works for you :)

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