Monday, June 6, 2011

headboard, 25, and AZ!

Dan and I attempted to be crafty and redo our room on a small budget. We decided to try to make a new headboard and it wasn't very difficult. We added some new linens and drapes and some new lamps and I feel pretty satisfied that it looks more like a grown-up room. I still have some plans for the future but we will wait until we have saved up a little bit more. I was going to put up a picture but once I looked at the picture I took I realized I probably should have cleaned our room first so you just have to wait until that happens!

I turned 25 last month and took almost no pictures to document it! Dan always does wonderful birthdays and surprised me with flowers and some books (I told him not to get me anything and we would just go shopping later but he said he couldn't give me nothing!) Here is the one I did take: We went to dinner and to see Seussical the Musical in Orem. I am so glad Dan is willing to go see plays with me. The next night he told me his family was coming over for dinner and he surprised me again! It was my roommates. Dan cooked the whole meal and then left so we could have all the girl talk we wanted. It was so fun we played a great round of Imagine If and then had lots of girl talk and apple crisp. It is always good to see them.

Krista and I made a cake for Shauna's baby shower that weekend and I think it came out pretty well for a first time.

Dan, Jared, and I got to go down to AZ for Cori-Oreo's graduation! I can't believe she is old enough to be going to college. It was a lot of fun to see family and enjoy the warmer weather. We ate a ton of course and shopped and played games and ate more! Luckily when we got back to Utah it was pretty warm and has stayed that way for a while.

Now we are just concentrating on figuring out our yard and enjoying the summer!

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December 2019

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