Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Kindergarten Graduation

We are officially on summer break! Camden graduated from Kindergarten last week and I can't believe it! He did a great job at his program and was embarrassed when everyone clapped for them. He made sure to look right at us when he sang "I love you!" It was adorable.

Cute graduation caps!

We're all so proud of our Camden Bear!


We kicked off some summer activities right away including silly string, sticky foam, and a trip to the splash pad.

He made me a sewing machine!

We've loved having less of a schedule and took advantage of a lovely weekend.
Rainbow hair

Origami Pikachus

Lots of extra snuggles
 We took family pictures and the boys were great. They smiled every time she asked never whined. We treated them to Camden's choice, Texas Roadhouse.

We're looking forward to a lot more adventures this summer. Especially on the weekend when Dad is home!

Our first adventure is potty training. Wes really had no interest but he's 3 1/2 and needs to be potty trained before preschool in the fall. I also would prefer to get potty training out of the way while it's still novel to be stuck at home for a week. Luckily for me, we started on the weekend so Dan was here to help with the worst of it.
Checking out his sticker chart

He peed all over one second after this picture and thought nothing of it. 

He wants to wear all underwear with a character on the back, backwards so he can see it.
 I made some punch cards this summer so we can have some incentives to do the things no one wants to do, like chores and playing with out mom. I added a reading punch card to encourage Camden to keep reading this summer and it's basically all he wants to do. He's read 200 minutes in the last two days. Finishing three Batman chapter books. I'm going to need to buy a lot more reward books to keep up!

1 comment:

Jo Ann said...

Congratulations to Camden. What a great first year of school he's had.
I always look forward to you summer weekly themes and fun activities. Good luck with the potty training. It is "so Wes" to want to wear his underwear backwards so he can see the action figures. Love you all.

December 2019

 Still playing catch up. The boys wrote their letters to Santa on the long drive home. We went to Luminaria with the cousins and had our ann...