Monday, May 30, 2016

It's still May

I can't believe it's been over a month! Oops. This is my third attempt at a post though so it wasn't all my fault. Plus now that I know you are all on Instagram I don't feel as much pressure ;)  There are still going to be a lot of pictures though and I'll do my best to remember what we did.

We built a giant box fort

Wes loves to be upside down

Dan and I went on a date!!

These two are majorly into wrestling now

Such a thinker

Bringing me stories in the morning

We had quite a few bouts of sickness this month.

We played way too much LIFE

Wes continued his mess making spree

Loving monkey

The weather has been beautiful

Camden spelled "Camdens pizza restaurant"

working in the yard

Lots of dance parties

Lots of twinning

I don't know where these poses come from


Family trip to the Gardens

Helping Dad

We finally painted our door!

A very tired Wes and I confine our selves to the back corner of YW

Tasted dirt

Lots of sleepiness


 Camden had his preschool presentation. He looked like he might cry at first and after said "there were so many people I didn't know!" but he was brave and and did his best! He said his line and wore his alligator mask!

Grandma and grandpa Davis bought him so books to celebrate!
We are so proud of Camden for going to preschool and participating in his presentation. He has grown so much this year!

1 comment:

Dan Davis said...

Hooray for finishing the first year of preschool. Congrats little buddy!!

December 2019

 Still playing catch up. The boys wrote their letters to Santa on the long drive home. We went to Luminaria with the cousins and had our ann...