Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Wesley turns one!

We celebrated Wesley's first birthday last week! He pretty much has us wrapped around his finger. We can't say no to his cute little face! We celebrated by having family over for slime cupcakes and ice cream.

I'm so glad he's healthy but I do miss this snuggly baby

Feeling much better

He's almost a real kid!
 We celebrated a few days early with Grandma Julie and Grandpa Scott.
It took some persuading for him to actually open anything

Getting the hang of it

Celebrating BROTHERS!

He's a daddy's boy but I'm trying to win him over

He's one!

Admiring the decor

"It's a good thing brothers share!"

Slime cupcake

He didn't want to get his hands dirty but he loved it when I spoon fed it to him!

Getting a little messy
We sure are happy to have this little boy as part of our family. He is so content and head strong at the same time! He loves when daddy and Camden come home. He hates brushing his teeth, getting his nails cut and being restrained in anyway! He loves his monkey, getting into everything in sight, and playing in the basement. We can't believe he's one!

1 comment:

Jo Ann said...

That was such a fun birthday party. I may be a bit prejudiced, but I think you have the two cutest little guys in the world.

December 2019

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