Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Wedding and bitty ball

I'm a little behind. Wes knocked my phone off the arm rest outside and it landed just right on a rock and the screen cracked. I took all my pictures off and then got a new phone and never posted about the pictures! So now you'll get two posts in a row, kids willing :)

Look at all those teeth!

Dan and I have started some major spring cleaning and it feels so good!
 Camden has been asking to do bitty ball again so we signed him. He flat out refused to participate the first day so we charged him the cost of the class. We told him for every day he participated, he could keep a portion of the money and use it to buy a toy when he was done. He was hesitant until he saw the amount of money and then he participated.

Team Batman
He's actually enjoying himself!
We were able to visit AZ to help celebrate Cori's wedding. It was fun to see everyone and the weather was so nice!
On Allegiant we got to walk right on the plane

Bridesmaids (minus Cate)

Where it all began

Look at those cute boys (and that grass!)


Dan, Camden, and Grandpa Jay were able to take in a spring training game

Another Lego build

Decorating for Easter

He figured out a straw and it's the cutest

Monkey loves

Wes and I get to hang out for at least a half hour before Camden is up. We take a lot of selfies!
Now on to the new camera!

1 comment:

Jo Ann said...

I have been checking for new posts--so fun to see these. Your floors look great---looking forward to seeing them tomorrow. It's so fun to see the boys playing/wrestling with each other.they are so adorable.

December 2019

 Still playing catch up. The boys wrote their letters to Santa on the long drive home. We went to Luminaria with the cousins and had our ann...