Tuesday, March 29, 2016

New floors and Easter

We've had quite a week. Our new floors were installed and we were able to do a lot of Easter celebrating. I feel very blessed to be in the position we are in and I'm looking forward to a lifetime with these boys!

We spent quite a few days organizing and donating before moving furniture out.

 I found these bunny ears at Target for a dollar and Camden loved wearing them and I LOVED how cute they were.

This happens during most photo shoots

We took Camden to Zootopia and he loved it

While we were weeding, we put Wes in the tent to  play. He hates grass and didn't budge

All the furniture piled up in the kitchen, ready to go.
 I was in charge of the games for the preschool Easter party. These kids tested them out for me.

Watching tv with no furniture
 The installers were so quick for our floors. It was dusty and kind of loud but over all, not too bad.
Wes napped, Camden was in the tub, and I got to read!


Camden thought it was the best ever.

Wes enjoyed our picnic too

Wes loved to stand and watch the commotion

It needed a good cleaning but mostly done

Cheerio tush

Enjoying Fruit Punch Peeps

Dying eggs

Wesley loved to look at books

I love it when he brings me his favorite to read

Look who we ran into at Costco

Who took down who?


Batbunny checking out his basket

I love when the love their surprises

Camden said "That's not much stuff." What will we do with that kid.

The Easter bunny was going to wait until after 9am church but got a little antsy. He should have waited because it was freezing!

Poor cold bunny

Easter lunch

I'm pretty sure these are the cutest boys on Earth

 We have two weeks off from preschool and I'm attempting to do some kind of learning activity. Camden was instantly sold on this jelly bean graphing.

I'll try to keep up from now on.

1 comment:

jerrie said...

Love love love them all. I laughed pretty good with Wesley in the tent. Loved your adorable bunnys. Your floors are beautiful.

December 2019

 Still playing catch up. The boys wrote their letters to Santa on the long drive home. We went to Luminaria with the cousins and had our ann...