Monday, November 2, 2015


Halloween has never been my favorite holiday but Camden loves it and the excitement has spread. We try to do some of the traditional fall activities as a family which, left me with 400 pictures in the last little bit! So I;ll do my best to caption everything with out going on too long.

Supporting the Colts in a critical game

Wes rarely snuggles but teething has left us all desperate for sleep

He's still pretty smiley though.

Chunka chunk

Camden exercising and critiquing

The pumpkin house at Hee Haw's

Camden was actually nervous to sit on the tractor

We almost lost Wes off the hay bale but it worked out.

Excited for the wagon ride

Corn maze

Wes snuck a peek for us

8 months!

Giving some loves to his brother who is having teething issues

We love him too much to share :)

We finally found a duplicate puppy! Can you believe this is what little pups used to look like

Loving them both

Camden was very excited for his school Halloween party

Carving pumpkins!

Wes sampled the insides

Dan goes for simple

Camden chose a werewolf and helped me carve

All lit up

An attempt at a family shot on timer. Wes looked at me every time I hurried back and Camden just growled the whole time.

Goofy boys

I love babies in beenies! Too bad Wes never wore the cute baby ones we had and moved straight up to this one of Dans

One of the few shots we got with a mask on!

I'm pretty sure they're the cutest TMNT ever

Oh goodness, a group shot with masks and smiles is hard

Enjoying cards from Great Grandma Klundt

He couldn't wait for these swords and then he only carried them to two houses

Cowabunga dude!

Inspecting his loot. He trick or treated for an hour and then his bag was too heavy!
Giant slide at Hee Haw's. This one got out of order but there are too many to move it through. 
 We've had a blast this season and the weather has totally cooperated (either that or I'm finally acclimated!). I'm really trying to focus November on gratitude and helping Camden understand how blessed we are. We started an ABC gratitude wall and each night we list all the things we are grateful for under a specific letter. I'm grateful for this amazing family we have!

1 comment:

Jo Ann said...

And I am filled with gratitude for your wonderful family, and for you for taking the time to regularly add to your blog. Such great pictures every time.

December 2019

 Still playing catch up. The boys wrote their letters to Santa on the long drive home. We went to Luminaria with the cousins and had our ann...