Saturday, October 17, 2015

So lately

We haven't been up to too much.

Introducing the next generation to pure sugar cereal

It took a couple of stores to find them but now he's in heaven

 The Lego molds came!

One of his favorite pastimes.

Helping me watch conference

Cute baby

In the zoo

Watching the garbage truck

Barbie food, Dads favorite

It's not often this kids transfers and stays asleep but this no nap stuff is taking it's toll
While my dad was here, Dan and I were able to go on a date! Our fourth this year!  Dan taught me as best he could but i'm not the protege he was hoping for :)

Great Grandma snuggles

It's nice when grandparents can play!

Little froggy

I had to sneak an in-church picture

Camden's art work from our leaf hunt

Picking out his pumpkin

Wes joins the breakfast on the couch crew

Story time with Daddy

Visiting the horses

Waving at friends on the pony

Wagon ride

Love these boys

Wes has a love/fear relationship with this spider
Jared and Cate were nice enough to let Dan and Camden take their football tickets. Camden was so excited. He asked over and over when it was time to go and why we couldn't leave yet.
He's finally here

He was equally excited for the game and this popcorn.

He loved it.

Dan spoiled him rotten and he was so so thrilled.

He crashed as soon as he got in the car

Look at this cutie!

Visiting the Lego temple
We are having so much fun with these kids. Our costumes are almost done and the fall weather is coming. We are all decked out for Halloween and can't wait.


Klundt Family said...

Love the photos, as usual. It was so fun to spend a few days with you!

Jo Ann said...

The boys are so adorable. I loved the picture of the 3 of you, Nicole, watching the garbage truck. Wesley looked enthralled. Looks like you have another faithful Cougar fan.

December 2019

 Still playing catch up. The boys wrote their letters to Santa on the long drive home. We went to Luminaria with the cousins and had our ann...