Tuesday, October 6, 2015


We are really enjoying the fall. Camden is so excited for all things Halloween. We've decorated, bought skeleton Cheetos, and made a pumpkin roll. His costume is almost done, too! Wes has no idea it's fall, but now that the weather is cooler he can actually wear some of Camden's old clothes.

Rolling only gets you so far.

Helping with laundry

 When we got out the decorations, we tried on a few..

 Wesley turned 7 months. He is sitting much better and scooting all over the place. His sleep hasn't improved but mom and dad are partially to blame for being the biggest suckers in the world. Last night Wes did sleep for an 8 hour stretch, after being up crying for four hours. He has three bottom teeth and more on the way. He wears 9 and 12 month shirts but 12 and 18 month pants. I'm squeezing as much use out of the 9 month stuff as I can but I think I'm pushing it and he's usually in a belly shirt.

Lucky boy with a whole room for Legos

1st full haircut

millionth haircut and yet...

at least he comes around

He's starting to love baths

barely any room for water!

Aren't these two adorable!

He found this divot in the grass and decided it was the perfect seat.

Watching cars on the freeway
 We made Lego gummies this conference weekend and Camden could hardly contain himself!

Wes was happy too

 The weather is so nice it's hard to keep these kids inside.
"fighting" with Dad 

First pumpkin experience!

This is the start of my favorite season with kids! I can't wait for all the fun experiences to come.


Jo Ann said...

Love, love, love the photos of the most adorable little boys. Thanks for taking the time to keep us up to date with their adventures.

jerrie said...

wow busy busy busy. thank you for sharing. those two are adorable. I loved the costume try on
photos. the jello jigglers look yummy too!
love you

December 2019

 Still playing catch up. The boys wrote their letters to Santa on the long drive home. We went to Luminaria with the cousins and had our ann...