Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Time keeps on slipping slipping slipping

into the future....

Anyone? I expect Ash to be singing that song now too. I can't remember what it's from for sure but it feels like maybe Space Jam?

Anyway, I just keep thinking how crazy time is. It goes so fast and so slow all at once. I'm blaming time for the lack of a recent post.

Wagon ride at the farm

Taking his turn in Wes' bouncer

Brother snuggles

 Wesley turned 6 months at the end of August. He is 22 lbs! 97% in weight and 87% in height. He is working on sleeping in his bed, (He still takes 4 naps a day and goes down for bed around 6!) sitting, eating real food, and growing teeth.

Keeping in real 

This is how Camden feels about having friends over

Camden ninja
 Practicing sleeping has been hard on us. It's been nine days and we are starting to figure it out. At first, I would rock Wes for as long as Camden could stay out of the room and then put him down. He'd scream for 45 minutes or so and I'd cave and go get him. He was so over tired, only sleeping about an hour or so during the day and waking up every 3 hrs at night.

He's doing much better now. He actually slept 10 hours Monday night for the first time ever! He cries for about 10 minutes in his crib per nap and then sleeps for about an hour.
"I love this cage!" - Camden

beard face

cloud head

Trying some of dads oranges

New toy for sleeping in his bed all night for 10 nights! Believe me, he made out like a bandit and poor Wes will never be able to sucker us like this.

Family snuggles

mm donuts!

I can not believe that Camden will start preschool on Monday. He likes to run through imaginary scenarios to get ready and I can't tell who will be more nervous that day. Wes is entering the best stages and I'm so excited for these boys to be better friends!


Klundt Family said...

The song is "Fly Like An Eagle" by the Steve Miller Band. Great song. And another great post! Thanks for taking the time. Can't wait to see you all in less than a month.

ashley said...

I was definitely singing along! Space Jam!! Your boys are super cute :)

Jo Ann said...

All the pictures were worth the wait. Excited for Camden's first day of preschool. And happy that Wesley is sleeping better.

December 2019

 Still playing catch up. The boys wrote their letters to Santa on the long drive home. We went to Luminaria with the cousins and had our ann...