Sunday, August 23, 2015

My boys

These boys are cracking me up lately! I love to see their little personalities.

"Why are the wack weeder guys the only ones who can wack the weeds?"

Every shirt is a belly shirt

Wes has joined in on watching the garbage truck

He found the grass


Cheeto face

We love mail!

Cool dude

Such a snuggly chunk

Sleeping at the splash pad

Bed head and grouch face

slobber kisses

A new game from grandma

When batman does your gardening

First Lego contest entry

Proud boy

He loves watching his brother

A new watch

Look at how giant this baby boy is!
Wes turned 6 months today! I'll have his pictures for the next post. He's almost sitting and chewing on everything. He sleeps pretty well at night most nights, too. Camden is definitely his own little person. He is really into working on his "moves" while he listens to the mouse cookie CD. He's back to staying in bed and earning stickers for his much desired Pup Pad.

1 comment:

Jo Ann said...

The boys are so photogenic and so much fun. Camden is a character. Wesley is an adorable chunk. Another great post, Nicole.

December 2019

 Still playing catch up. The boys wrote their letters to Santa on the long drive home. We went to Luminaria with the cousins and had our ann...