Sunday, August 9, 2015


I debated doing this in a couple of posts but then the order would get messed up so just get ready for a long long post. With over 500 pictures for the week it is tough to narrow down but I will try my best!

We flew in on Sunday evening. Both boys did well on the plane rides. Camden had a million snacks and dollar store toys and cousins near by so that helped. Wesley slept a good portion of each flight. We got our rental car and met up with everyone at the hotel.

Wes smiled at everyone he passed!

So excited

One lucky boy

Sleeping cutie

Wishful thinking

Love dollar store finds

Cousin twins
Look at all this stuff! This is just two families!

Jet lag hit and the boys were up at 4am! We saw a couple of waterfalls and hit the beach! We had so much stuff to haul with us everywhere.
Getting ready for the beach

Beach belly

Sitting in his sand hole

This beach had the perfect cove for calm waters

It was a little breezy!

These two confiscated Enzo's pirate ship

Beautiful beach

Oh the sand in these rolls!

This cool playground was right across from the beach

Our view from the hotel

We went home and took naps and got ready for family pictures. The boys were super tired (it was 11pm our time!) so they weren't very smiley at first but they warmed up in time for the big family picture. The setting was beautiful and I can't wait to see how they turned out.

Sunset photos of a sleepy babe

Camden didn't want to pose for one more

Tuesday we headed up the Napali coast on a 5 hour boat tour. I was pretty nervous to see how the boys did but it actually turned out really well! We saw dolphins, sea turtles, and all the Aunts and Uncles get sick! Camden loved the sea spray. He stood along the rails almost the entire time.
Look at those cheeks!

Camden looks unsure but he loved it

I just can't get enough

He slept even with the wind and sea spray


Such troopers! None of them got sick but they did get sleepy.

Wes and I had a lot of early morning walks. It was a little overcast but beautiful. We spent the next morning at the beach and saw a sea turtle right by the beach. After naps we went on a swinging bridge and drove up to Waimea canyon.

Our shade tent came in handy for keeping the babies dry during  a small downpour

He was not amused by the bridge

Thursday, we got ice cream (finally!) and hit another beach. We stopped by a blowhole and bought some souvenirs. We hung out by the pool a lot. It was shallow and warm and there was a lot less sand everywhere!

Camden opted for a cookie because "ice cream is too cold"

The waves outside the cove were so high. The lifeguards had to go out 3 times!

Watching the blow hole

It was so hard to wake this kid up after a nap each day

The beautiful pool

Family swim

Watching a lizard

Date night and more ice cream

 It was finally a clear morning on Friday and Wes and I watched the sun rise! We went mini golfing, cave exploring, and finished off at one last beach.

Wes was my good luck charm


These kids were roasting but had fun

Such a beautiful course

An authentic Hawaiian shave ice.
Exploring the cave

Look at that beautiful beach
 We had a scary moment with Camden on the last day. He and Dan were in the ocean and a huge wave knocked Camden out of Dan's hands. He had his life jacket on and was fine but it was still nerve wracking. Grandpa helped grab Camden and lost his glasses in the process. They still had more days left to the trip so it was a bummer. After some prayers and lots of searching, Dan followed the impression to look one last time and found them! They were in a sand bank under the waves. Dan lost his hat in the tumble too and Devin spotted it on some one on the beach. They had picked it up hoping the person who lost it would see. It was a pretty crazy day but all is well that ends well.

 Our flights home were long! We left for the airport at 8 am and got home at 1 am Utah time! Wesley slept through the long flight but cried pretty much the whole way from San Diego home. Camden was occupied with glow sticks for about 20 minutes and then was done! We are glad to be home!


Klundt Family said...

Thanks for taking the time to make this post. We enjoyed all of the photos and are glad you're all back safe and sound.

Jo Ann said...

What a great job, Nicole, getting so many pictures and the commentary. Looks like a great vacation. Glad to have you all back home safely.

December 2019

 Still playing catch up. The boys wrote their letters to Santa on the long drive home. We went to Luminaria with the cousins and had our ann...