Tuesday, July 21, 2015


We have been having a lot of firsts. I'll do another post with some video of Wes rolling over and eating real food! He's also slept from 8-7 one night and we are doing better on naps. We finally went and got Camden some new clothes. His old shoes were a 6 and the new shoes we got him were a 9! Oops! I've been doing a lot of girls camp prep and thinking about Hawaii with little kids. I'll try to post again before we leave on our trip but no guarantee!

Our mini foosball table

Camden was showing dad how to march like a storm trooper

Wes is doing much better about hanging out in his carrier
 We've been working on letting Wesley fall asleep on his own. Some nights are great and he fusses for about 20 minutes and stays asleep most of the night and some nights he still wakes up every couple of hours. We're hoping to get it all figured out before we all spend the week together in one room.
He isn't even that small in his crib

He wakes up happy though!

When your thighs are too big for a bumbo you have to make shift a chair

R2D2 Batman

With a mustache!

Playing at the splash pad

Hanging out while we watch the boys splash

Testing out the water
 We've been wanting to go on a hike for weeks and we finally had a weekend with time and no sickies!
Getting shoes on

On the trail

Grotto Falls

There were lots of bridges to cross

Wes didn't complain once

We made a bow out of the sticks we found on the walk

Dinner after shopping. Look at that face!

Dad, do you want to watch this football show with me?

Testing out headphones for our long flight

Dan setting an example for Wes

Camden needs a haircut but for now he gets dinosaur hair!

3 going on 16

Best buds
 Camden woke up with a fever on Sunday so we have been having lots of movie days. He slept from 7pm-10am Sunday night and woke up with so much energy!
He still has a fever but is getting better.


Jo Ann said...

What a fun post! Love the creative use of the shoe box--you are so clever. Size 9 shoes!!! An indication of his future height. Love Wes' smiles and so happy to hear that he's doing so much better sleeping at night.

Klundt Family said...

Great post! I continue to be amazed at your talent -- shoebox football and R2D2! I hope Camden is feeling better.

ashley said...

Nicole, Camden totally looks like you in that dinosaur hair pic! Too cute :)

December 2019

 Still playing catch up. The boys wrote their letters to Santa on the long drive home. We went to Luminaria with the cousins and had our ann...