Monday, July 13, 2015


I'm a little sleep deprived so I'll try to keep this short so it makes sense! I LOVE these boys but they are a handful.

No nap makes this one whiny!

Baby pup

Camden thinks all the baby things are new toys so he has to try them out

Big gummy smiles!

Camden loves popping these packing bubbles
 Wes has been sick this weekend with a stuffy nose. That means he doesn't really want to suck on a bottle so he is not sleeping well at all. That combined with possible teething and 4 month sleep regression means we've been up for hours with him each night!

Watching Star Wars Episode I for the first time. There were LOTS of questions.

An attempt at rice cereal
 We let Camden spend some of his birthday/Christmas money for the first time.
He was pretty overwhelmed with all the options but he loved it.

I did most of the building, but he loves these new sets.
 We had wanted to go on a hike this weekend but with Wes fussy and grouchy we did a quick trip to the park instead.
Dad is such a  trooper

1st time in the swing. My silly stone face babies..

Camden learning to pump his legs
Despite our lack of sleep and general frustration at the sleeping habits of my boys, we are enjoying our time. We had planned to let Wes cry this weekend and I think that's why he decided to get sick ;)  We'll try this weekend. We need to figure something out before Hawaii where we won't have a swing to put him in!

1 comment:

Jo Ann said...

So sorry Wes has been sick. Love his smile.
As hard as it is to be at this stage of lack of sleep, it will get better. So thankful you are a stay-at-home mom.
You and Dan are great parents.

December 2019

 Still playing catch up. The boys wrote their letters to Santa on the long drive home. We went to Luminaria with the cousins and had our ann...