Sunday, July 5, 2015

Family Reunion #2

We celebrated the 4th of July with the Davis family reunion. We had Dan's Uncle and Aunt and their kids stay with us and Camden loved it. He kept asking "are my friends going to come with us?" The first day everyone went tubing but our boys are still too young so we played in the pool instead.

Such a team

It's no AZ pool but it worked

We couldn't tell if Wes loved it but he didn't hate it

Stone face

Attempted family shot. We felt like we were all in the tub together!

He loved it despite what this picture indicates
 We went up the canyon and met everyone for lunch.
Camden riding Ryelle's scooter

We had dinner at a man made lake. The kids played in the "sandbox" (volleyball court) and swam in the lake
 The next day we all went bowling. Camden has asked a bunch of times if we could go bowling because we drive passed a huge bowling pin sign each time we go to my dr.
Cute little bowling shoes

These lanes were well equipped for kids.

Pushing the ball with all his might! (My arm is not broken. It's just a super annoying upgraded compression sleeve)

Trevor (Dan's cousin) was obsessed with Big Wes. 

Blurry high five

After a while Camden was done with the helper and rolled the ball himself

Overall, he liked it but emotions varied between "I'm hungry," "This is fun," "I don't want to do this anymore," and "Mom! I can do it myself."

Super serious arcade gaming
 Camden missed a lot of naps and stayed up late which resulted in a lot of this:

But, actually, both boys were really good. Wes hung out in the stroller a lot but gave big smiles to anyone who came his way.
He needs to learn to sit up! He's too big for his bouncer and swing!

Wes loves his daddy

Being a trooper in the car
 We drove up to Heber valley camp for one night. It was fun to have all the family in one place for a while.

Wes and I drove home to sleep in real beds but Dan and Camden stayed in the cabins.
This is a glow stick flag but everything is a shooter these days.
 Camden and Dan took naps the next day so they could stay up and enjoy fireworks.
Watching the show

Sparklers! It was a little crazy with all the littles but no one was hurt and everyone had fun!

We finished with an outdoor movie. We finally made Camden leave at 10:30 and there was no complaining! He was asleep with in minutes of his head hitting the pillow.
It was fun to see family we hadn't seen in a while and we are grateful to Sherri and Krista for all the yummy food! Next up girls camp and Hawaii!


jerrie said...

Wow busy busy you guys!! you are great at documenting with photos and sharing, thank you for that. your storage room looks so big all organized.
Camden's hair grows soooo fast, I cant believe how long it is already.
The pool shots are pretty funny :) does Camden want to go in it every day?

Jo Ann said...

The one picture of Camden in the lake looks very much like a picture of Jared when he was young--just the look on his face.

Looks like the 2nd reunion was a success! So fun to have family get-togethers.

December 2019

 Still playing catch up. The boys wrote their letters to Santa on the long drive home. We went to Luminaria with the cousins and had our ann...