Sunday, July 5, 2015

Summer time

I have so much catch up to do. I just pulled almost 400 pictures off our phones!

Wes turned 4 months and we had his official weigh in. He weighs 18.8 lbs and is 26 in! He is in the 90th percentile for both height and weight. His 6 mo clothes are getting snug and we started putting him in 9 mo stuff, too.  He is a super smiley, happy boy.  He likes trying to sit up and wants to see everything going on.
Look at those cheeks!

Camden has to get in on the photo shoot
 Camden's sleep is improving. We bribed him with candy for a couple of weeks. It worked but I learned I needed to keep the bowl up higher.
"It's OK Mom. See look, my belly is full now so I don't need to eat any more candy!"

Little stinker!

Popsicles with cousins

Camden had Dan sing the TMNT theme song over and over so he could dance. They were both pretty into it.
 We took Camden to see Inside Out in the theater. He was super excited and said we should go to the movie theater everyday.
He ate sooo much popcorn!

Not a great shot but the best one we could get
 Dan has been working on another project and now I think the basement is officially done (well unofficially until we have our final inspection)
We might need a bigger car

Storage room all emptied out
Finish work
It's so much more organized now!
 One day I suggested we make popsicles but the boys liked the stick on their own.
As a sword

As a binky

We had ants twice this month!
 It's been pretty warm here, in the 100's, so we've hung out inside a lot. We get pretty goofy.

Notice the chocolate stain in our bed from Camden's bribery candy

I love these boys! Now onto our next family reunion...

1 comment:

Jo Ann said...

Love, love, love your blog posts, Nicole, especially the pictures.
The storage room looks so good. Hope the ants are gone for good.

December 2019

 Still playing catch up. The boys wrote their letters to Santa on the long drive home. We went to Luminaria with the cousins and had our ann...