Monday, June 8, 2015

Wesley's Blessing

We were able to bless and celebrate Wes yesterday. We had so much family come support us. Wes was kind of fussy because we had to wake him up to get to church but we gave him the top off his bottle and it worked! He was calm through the whole blessing. Dan did a wonderful job (I heard some of it!). We are so grateful to have Wes. Camden came in this morning and said "I'm so glad we have Wes in our family!"  I love my boys!

The whole family

Pretty much every picture I get of these two.

Camden likes to smell Wesley's head!

I love this little one.
Here are some pictures from the rest of the month.
Fuzzy head

One last project- new wall art
 On really long days (Tuesdays when Camden doesn't take a nap) we do anything we can to keep everyone sane!

Camden and I

Wesley and how Camden feels about pictures he's not in

Silly mustache boy
We are heading up to Bear Lake Wednesday for a family reunion and I'm excited to have a mini vacation with these guys. We love when Dan gets to hang out with us extra days!

1 comment:

Jo Ann said...

Great pictures--again. It was so wonderful at the reunion to spend time with you, Dan, Camden (aka Skittles, aka fruit loops) and Wesley.

December 2019

 Still playing catch up. The boys wrote their letters to Santa on the long drive home. We went to Luminaria with the cousins and had our ann...