Monday, June 1, 2015


There isn't too much to report, but I do have tons of pictures!

Camden helped prep for one of our projects

I always forget a before so here is a slightly late before

In progress! Camden helped from afar
Almost done.
Finished! Since this picture I've put some frames up, but doesn't it look so much bigger!


Look at all the chunk!

3 months!

No official stats but he is eating a lot and sleeping pretty well. He wakes up to eat once or twice a night. He's in 6 mo clothes! He's a smiley, happy little boy and we love having him.

I updated our silhouettes and Wes has no neck!

Just lounging

I love snuggling these two in the morning
One of the last basement projects is almost done! Dan was hesitant but I knew he'd do a great job.

I grouted and now we just have to seal it and put the fixtures on.
 Now that the shower will be done, we can finally have our final inspection for the basement and be officially done! It's finished just in time for family to come up this weekend for Wesley's blessing and our family reunion the next weekend. We can't wait to see everyone!


Jo Ann said...

Nicole, the projects look great. I love what you've done in the entry way.
I found a photo of Kevin when he was about Wes' age. I'll have to show it to you. The chunkiness is about the same.
Great pictures, as always.

Klundt Family said...

Wow! I'm so impressed with the entry way! It looks great. You guys amaze me with your ability to tackle these projects. Can't wait to see it in person!

Michelle said...

You guys are seriously so awesome. Way to really tackle your house and make it so beautiful! Wish I could be there for that sweet boy's blessing. You're a great mom. Love the snuggles and hanging around the house pictures.

December 2019

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