Sunday, May 17, 2015

May Days

I love May. It's my birthday month and it's finally warm. Camden and I have spent a lot of time playing Legos lately. I've been trying to organize our stash but Camden and I differ on how we feel things should be sorted. I spent time putting all the people together in a pile and then Camden informed me that the people had to stay with the piles of Legos they originally came with. At least he has a system.

 Dan bought a Costco size bag or Doritos and then forgot to take them to work.
 Little Wes is getting super smiley.

Big brother must have done something silly.

Watching the garbage truck
 We celebrated Mothers Day and my birthday this past week. Grandpa Scott and Grandma Julie came up to help us celebrate. Dan and I were able to go to dinner and see the Avengers and make a run to Ikea without kids!
Camden and I had a fun lunch date

This kid loves to snuggle

Team effort to make me a slime cake!

Taste testing is the most important part
 We brought Wesley to church for the first time on Mothers Day.
He enjoyed it ;)

My boys!
Camden LOVES to rub Wesley's head.

Birthday dessert!

Dr. Camden giving Wes a check up
The organizing bug has hit big time and we have a couple of projects in the works still. Maybe they'll be finished for the next post!


Klundt Family said...

Another great blog post! Thanks for the photos of Wesley smiling!

Jo Ann said...

I enjoyed spending time with you and the boys today, Nicole. Always fun to find a new blog post by you.

December 2019

 Still playing catch up. The boys wrote their letters to Santa on the long drive home. We went to Luminaria with the cousins and had our ann...