Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Camden turned 3!

We got to celebrate Camden's third birthday this weekend! He decided he wanted a pirate party so he could get some treasure.

Practicing to be a pirate
 We took a trip to the play museum while Dan had days off and it was pretty packed but Camden had fun.
Helping Dad solve the puzzle
 Camden helped us get ready for the party and was pretty excited to get his balloons.

He picked out a skeleton cake and I did my best to oblige

He's so old now!

The food. Camden's only requests were juice boxes and cake

The presents. Between Christmas and birthday this kid gets more than he could ever need!

All dressed up

The party guests

Next to treasure, Camden wanted a sword. He pretty much spent the whole time "swording" everyone
 We had a treasure hunt to find their pirate gear and then had a dig for gold doubloons, plastic jewels, and bead necklaces. We attempted pin the eye patch on the pirate and the cousins enjoyed it but Camden didn't want to play. Camden woke up a little grouchy and enjoyed most of his party but was a bit overwhelmed when we sang happy birthday. I think it was too much attention.
He didn't even want to blow out the candles :(
 He got excited again after finishing his whole piece of cake and was ready for presents.

Sunday Camden got to wear his new Colts shirt and watch a game with Dad.
Trimming his hair during the game

Aren't they cute!
 We've been working on potty training Camden and it's going ok. He does really well when he wants to but can refuse quite stubbornly. We went to the outlets and I was nervous because he's been refusing to sit and try if he doesn't think he needs to go. He did awesome! He didn't have an accident and got to pick out a treat. I was thinking small but Camden had his eye on this marshmallow.

 We "borrowed" this back pack from Grandma Jerrie and Camden felt pretty grown up. He is such a big kid now!

One of Camden's gifts was a vet kit and he is adorable giving all his animals check ups!
"Let me check your heart beep"
We can't believe how old Camden is! He doesn't quite agree and still tells me he's a baby and wants to be carried and fed and rocked. I'm ok with him still being lovey but I hope he doesn't have to hard of a time when he's not my only baby anymore!

We have a check up for Camden this weekend so I can put his official stats in later. Camden at 3 is very curious. He is so observant and is always asking questions about very specific details of his stories or things he sees outside. His memory is so good and he is learning so much. He knows a lot of his letter names and sounds. He loves shooting, sword fighting, Duplos, and of course his little puppy. 

1 comment:

Jo Ann said...

Another great blog post. The party was so fun and I enjoyed seeing Camden "swording." He was so sweet when he opened gifts, giving the giver a hug and thank you. What a sweet little guy.

December 2019

 Still playing catch up. The boys wrote their letters to Santa on the long drive home. We went to Luminaria with the cousins and had our ann...