Monday, November 3, 2014

Halloween Pt 2

We have had a busy couple of weeks! I always forget to get the pictures off Dan's phone.
Camden has still been helping us finish the bathroom. We got the vanity and sink and baseboards in. Next up is the toilet.

Figuring out how to assemble the sink

Doing his best Jack Jack impression from Cinderella

Awesome after nap hair
 We went to Vegas last weekend for a wedding. I didn't take many pictures because we spent most of the time in the car. Camden is usually pretty good until he gets tired and fights sleeping forever. He loved the hotel and sleeping in his own really big bed. We went swimming the next morning than drove home.
Keeping entertained

Sock hands are a new favorite

Donuts from the Fractured Prune in St. George. They cook the donuts when you order them and they are delicious!

Cheese ball with his best friend
 Dan and I have felt like Halloween has been over for a couple of weeks since we had our family party and ward party so long ago, but Camden was still excited to trick or treat!
Trying on Dad's fangs
 We carved pumpkins for FHE and Camden could not wait to use the knife. He wasn't so interested in scooping guts though.
Dad did the dirty work

Camden helped a little

I drew the design according to Camden's very specific instructions

Finally carving!

I got a smile!

Spooky! Dad's batman, Camden's jack o lantern, mom's skeleton

Comparing tongues after candy

Love this little boy
 We watched  Makayla for a bit and it was so cute to hear their conversations.

 Finally it was time to trick or treat!!
All ready to go

Inspecting his candy and telling Dad all the ones he was going to eat
We are officially past warm weather now and getting excited for our trip to AZ in a couple of weeks!


Jo Ann said...

Your posts are always so fun. Love all the pictures.

Klundt Family said...

Wonderful photos, and I love the Jack-O-Lanterns!

December 2019

 Still playing catch up. The boys wrote their letters to Santa on the long drive home. We went to Luminaria with the cousins and had our ann...