Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The run around

Let's just start this post by saying all in our family are healthy and doing well! On that note, I found a lump on Saturday and went in Monday to have it checked out. My oncologist is very very nice and congratulated us on our pregnancy again and checked me out. She found a second little lump and sent me to imaging to have an ultrasound. Obviously I'm a little nervous at this point but Dan and Camden were with me and we were feeling positive. The ultrasound tech was super cute and due in January with her second kid. Most techs don't tell you anything but she let me see the scans and told me her thoughts. The lumps were black on the ultrasound which is good because my cancerous ultrasound had white specs so black means it's probably fluid. The tech said she'd have a dr look at them and be right back. She came back and said he's not convinced it's fluid so he asked her to do a couple more images. After those images she said it looks like it could be a ruptured implant. She assured me the Dr didn't want me to worry because it didn't look like cancer but we'd need an mri to find out what it really was. She moved me to another room to get authorization for my mri and came back saying my oncologist didn't want me to have an mri because she didn't want me laying on my stomach for that long. So they decided to asperate it to find out what it was. They couldn't do it that night so we had to go in this morning. Today we went to the imaging center in American Fork and Dr Gledhill came in and looked at the ultrasound saying the lump was too far from the implant and probably wasn't a ruptured implant like the other Dr thought. He stuck a lovely needle in and as he was (too graphically) describing what he was going he said "oh, I think I was wrong. This is really thick. It looks like it is silicone." So he said it is a ruptured implant and we'd want to see my plastic surgeon. Luckily my plastic surgeon is in the same building so we stopped in his office to schedule an appointment and surgery. (If your implant ruptures it needs to be removed and replaced quickly so you don't get silicone all over your body.) The receptionist got us on the schedule right away and we waited. Dr Jensen, the plastic surgeon, came in, congratulated me that I was pregnant, and asked what was up. I reported that I just had a lump asperated and it was silicone. He checked me out and said "silicone, not fat? Who said it was silicone?" I explained that we just walked over from Dr Gledhill who said it was silicone. He hopped up and said "I'm going to talk to him" and walked out. He came back in with Dr Gledhill behind him and said it's an oil cyst and told me to come back in January. Dan and I were obviously confused and asked for further expansion. Dr Gledhill explained that silicone used to be white but now the stuff they use is clear. Dr Jensen said he looked at the syringe and it's definitely fat. So apparently sometimes fat from these surgeries doesn't take and instead of turning hard, it melts and makes these lumps. So... long story short, I'm fine and next time we are going straight to Dr Jensen with any lumps! He can ultrasound and asperate in his office and seeing one doctor sounds much better than spending two days seeing four!

I'm very grateful to be healthy, have a healthy baby and family, to have Dan who made sure he was at these appointments, and to have my grandma who was a little excited for an excuse to come down and watch Camden!


Katie Mullins said...

Woa! Thank you for saying at the beginning that all is well...even so...so scary! I am so glad you are healthy and baby is healthy!! So excited for this little one!

Dan and Nicole said...

Katie, I'm so excited for you guys! just a couple of weeks! I hope everything goes smoothly!

Michelle said...

Phew! How nerve wracking and definitely relieving in the end! I agree with Katie, thank you for first announcing the health of everyone. That was appreciated. :)

December 2019

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