Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Not too much to report. Dan and co. are making a lot of progress on the basement. The HVAC is done and more than half the walls are framed. We just have a couple of closets, the bathroom, and the box ins around the ducts. This weekend we need to buy a tub and some more wood.

I have started seeing a new physical therapist for my arm. She specializes in lymph-edema and I already like her much better than the last ones I went to. I've only had one appointment but she seems like she is much more knowledgeable.

Camden is as adorable as ever and is definitely well into his terrible twos at only 19 months! We have multiple tantrums a day ranging from just rolling on the floor a bit, to screaming in the hall for ten minutes. He has learned to hit and now says "funny hit mommy." He bit so hard the other day that it broke the skin through my shorts! Luckily, that was the only real biting incident so far and the hitting is few and far between. My stubbornness has definitely been passed on and this kid is not easily distracted from what he wants! We are rolling with it and I'm grateful we had a sweet easy baby for a couple of months while I was in and out of surgery!

Now for pictures:

Camden LOVES helping in the basement and if Dad is down there, Camden is down there

I don't know why, but Camden loves lounging lately!

How boys play with Barbie toys

We have to make a lot of compromises now that Camden has a mind of his own.

We went to the dinosaur museum for Brooklyn's birthday and Camden and Makayla held hands almost the whole time. I don't know how much Camden liked it but he participated.

He was finally tall enough to play in the sand and water table.

He looks so grown up to me in this picture.

I don't think Camden knows we are not physically attached. He literally has to be in front of my face no matter what I'm doing. For example, he just stood on my lap as I was typing. He loves to say "Mommy do it" whenever he doesn't want to do something (which is constantly). I am not allowed to leave the room with out my shadow!

We've tried some new activities now that Camden is a bit older. They keep his attention for about 10 minutes now as long as I am right there.


He is into feeding himself now (which I quite enjoy) and he manages some pretty messy faces!
Oatmeal face

Silly boy

Such handsome boys going to church!

Working away on the basement.

Such a stud

After a tantrum yesterday, Camden tripped and got a fat lip. It was a long day.

This is Camden crying because I put the bubbles on his lawn mower. I'm so cruel!

This tantrum is because Camden didn't want me to take off his jammies. It went on for ten minutes (no joke!). I think he might be overreacting a little.


Klundt Family said...

Thanks for the update! Well, the crying tantrums are no fun, huh?! Sure helps when there are two of you around to deal with it. When it's just you, remember: "This too shall pass."

Jo Ann said...

Growing up is so hard to do. But he's so cute, when he's not throwing a tantrum. I love the pictures and your commentary, Nicole.

Corinne said...

Thought it might make you laugh!

December 2019

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