Sunday, February 17, 2013

Visitors, V-day, and Dan's 29th

At the beginning of February, my dad and Julie came up to visit and hang out with Camden in the snow. We'd never taken him out to play in it and he didn't quite know what to do. The snow was pretty crunchy so it wasn't much fun to play in but we did build Camden some snowmen. 

 We spent some time up at my grandma's where Camden played with Grandpa Klundt and entertained us all.

I've tried finger painting with Camden a couple of times and he thinks it's ok. I had him help me make Dan's Valentine card and he only really got into it when he realized he could paint his leg and the kitchen floor.
 Of course I had to get kisses from one of my Valentines even though he wasn't thrilled.

Dan came home early on Thursday and we celebrated with ribs and Nutella pie! Camden actually let us eat our whole meal before he wanted to be held this year.
My two Valentines!
 Dan and I don't usually make Valentines a big deal because we celebrate Dan's birthday just a couple of days later but he surprised me with this cute candy sign.
I've already eaten half!
 We celebrated Dan's 29th birthday with waffles and bacon for breakfast.
Camden isn't sure what's going on.
 Dan got Lego Lord of the Rings from me and a hard drive from Camden.
 That night we went to Texas Roadhouse and the Hale Theater to see Lend Me A Tenor. It was really funny and we had a great time. Dan's Dad watched Camden for us and said he went to sleep really well! I have to say I felt really old getting everything ready for a babysitter when it seems like not to long ago that I was babysitting! We stayed up much to late watching the All Star dunk contest but Dan enjoyed it so it was worth it (It helps that he let me sleep in today!) Now that the holidays are over for us, we are looking forward to some warmer weather and dreaming about summer!


Jo Ann said...

I love reading your blog--especially with all the pictures.

Dan Davis said...

We probably should have waited until after I showered before taking pictures.

Klundt Family said...

Very creative with the candy bar poster, Dan. Thank you for being such a good husband and father!

December 2019

 Still playing catch up. The boys wrote their letters to Santa on the long drive home. We went to Luminaria with the cousins and had our ann...