Thursday, February 28, 2013


I never know what to title these things. Especially this kind of post so just bear with me. I'll start at the beginning because I've heard that's a very good place to start.

A couple months back I felt a lump in my boob (weird to be typing that but it feels weirder to type breast for some reason). I kind of figured it would go away but when it didn't and it started hurting, I made an appointment to see my doctor. She sent me to get an ultrasound saying "breast cancer at your age is super rare but it's better to get things checked out."  Last friday I had my ultrasound and they immediately had me do a mammogram after (I can see why people don't love those). After looking at those results they suggested a biopsy which they did right away. Dan and Camden were there for support but I had them step out so we didn't scar Camden for life. (On a side note, he got a sweet new car toy from the nurse) After the biopsy we went home and awaited the results. We knew it didn't look great from what the radiologist said (that there were calcifications) but we just weren't sure. Dan took excellent care of me and Camden (even after having a ladder fall and all but break his toe). Waiting for the call from my doctor has to be the worst thing I've been through thus far (I'm sure I'll get some fun things that top that soon) I HATE not knowing and they said they would probably call Monday, Tuesday at the latest. I got a call at 5pm Tuesday. I was actually just relieved to know what the problem was even though the diagnosis was not great. My doctor didn't explain very well and some how managed to indicate that it wasn't too bad. She said it was Ductal carcinoma in situ and that they called it pre cancer. Well she was wrong it's just plain old cancer. I guess some cases of DCIS can be taken care of with a lumpectomy (where they just  remove the lump) but I am not one of those cases. I am scheduled for a mastectomy on March 13th. (YUCK!) We are still unsure of whether or not I will need Chemo but should know more after my MRI on Monday. I am having a hard time wrapping my head around everything but I'm pretty sure I'm not looking forward to it : )  I actually only got really sad when I thought about not being able to pick up Camden for awhile, possibly losing my hair, and not having my own boob (in that order actually. I might have a too strong attachment to my hair (especially when you realize that my hair will grow back and my boob will not)). There is also a super super small chance of a double mastectomy but we will find that out later. I have an appointment on Monday with an oncologist who will talk to me about chemo and what may or may not happen. Cross your fingers for me that I won't need it! I'm trying to be positive and so far I feel like ...well this sucks but I guess you have to do what you have to do. I already apologized in advance to Dan for the bad days I probably will have. So, yeah, I have breast cancer. Weird.


Heather said...

Nicole! I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around it, too. Is there any history of cancer in your family? I'm really in shock and I can't believe you have to go through this (especially in your 20's!!) You'll be included in my prayers for sure. Keep us updated.

Unknown said...

Oh this breaks my heart, Nicole! I hope you're doing okay. If anyone is tough enough to handle this it's you. I'd probably just cry and give up, but I know you'll persevere. You're strong like that :) The 13th is coming up you need anything? I'm sure your ward is probably great, but I live real close so don't hesitate. I'll think of something great that you won't be able to refuse. Love ya girl. Hang in there :)

Tara said...

Oh, Nicole! I am so sorry! It must be tough to deal with. But you are a strong woman, with a great support next to you! You will definitely be in our prayers. I wish I lived closer so I could be there for you! Love ya!

December 2019

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