Monday, October 1, 2012


It was requested that I update so even though not much has been going on....

Dan and I got our new chair and it looks way better than the pink one. There are still changes I'd like to make but overall the room looks pretty much done. I put up fall/Halloween decorations yesterday (I only have three) but this morning I decided I'm still not ready for fall. I know I said I was looking forward to the holidays and I am still but I woke up chilled this morning and it reminded me why I don't like the next seven months in Utah. Hopefully we have a couple more nice days.

Camden approves
Dan had to work this last weekend (until one am Friday and Saturday) and it was not fun. Hopefully he will get to take an extra day off this weekend and gain some of that family time back. Luckily he didn't have to go in on Sunday. It was amazing how tired we were at one am when that used to be nothing just a couple of months ago. Some mornings Camden wakes me up and my first thought is "I will never get to sleep in again!" and then I get over being dramatic and I go get the smiley little man.

My sock makes a cute beenie
  Speaking of Camden, he is trying to move so much now. He can crawl backwards and often gets stuck under our new chair or against the couch. He can sit himself up from being on his stomach and has attempted to pull himself up to standing a couple of times. I can't wait  until he figures out how to go forward! He has finally figured out chewing a little more and can eat cheerios and puffs with out gagging most of the time. He is still super shy but loves watching other kids. We put him on the floor by our primary kids yesterday and they were all in heaven. I know once he's crawling it will be all over for anyone to pay attention to us. He already chooses the most opportune times to interrupt sharing time with loud (like large man loud) burps and squeals of excitement. Dan and I were sitting with the four and five year olds yesterday and the one time they were all quiet Camden screeched and got every one going again. 
He started trying to stand right after this

He uses his puppy as a pillow now and it is sooo cute!

We always get told how quiet Camden is and when we are out and about he is super quiet and observant but I wanted to add a little video so you can see that he isn't always silent! (Dan had a test this day that's why I'm saying "good luck")


Klundt Family said...

Thanks for another great update! Of course, the photos and video of Camden are my favorite parts. I know I am a little biased, but he really is a cute kid. He looks just like a kid that you would see on a Gerber baby commercial or a diaper commercial. Have you ever considered entering him in a contest? He could be the next Gerber baby!

ashley said...

Very cute as always :) I played this video while Rufio was sleeping by me and it woke him up lol he was looking around for the source of the noise.

December 2019

 Still playing catch up. The boys wrote their letters to Santa on the long drive home. We went to Luminaria with the cousins and had our ann...