Sunday, October 14, 2012

little mover

Camden had a quick relapse of TERRIBLE sleep habits as he was learning how to crawl. He would sit up in his crib and then not know how to lay back down and go to sleep. He had a couple of awkward sleep positions but this one was the worst! (You can't tell but he is using his puppy to lie on)

He started pulling up to his knees and scraping his top teeth across the crib, we have since lowered his crib but it was pretty cute to come in and find him in "jail" waiting to be released.
Now that he can move, we are having to be more strategic with where we put stuff. He especially loves computers and we have a hard time keeping him away from the screen. We finally pulled out an old keyboard and it worked...for about a day.
We have had some fun new adventures now that Camden reacts to things. Including trips to Farm Country, visits with cousins, and exploring the house. Camden is getting used to more people and didn't cry when he was passed around at a bridal shower I threw. Primary is getting more interesting though and the kids love to see Camden's new "talent." I was going to add some cute videos of him but it doesn't want to upload right now so we will see.

1 comment:

Dan Davis said...

Excellent post. I love that little guy.

December 2019

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