So I made it through my weekend alone a bit ago thanks to some wonderful people. first, dan left me the best care package ever of flowers dulce de leche icecream and the long pride and prejudice. On saturday night katie and jensen and their cute girls came and brought me dinner and hung out. Sunday my brother came and spent the evening keeping me company. Dan had a great time at the concert and I really appreciate all the love!
At camden's two month appointment his doctor encouraged us to let put camden down awake and let him cry a little to learn to fall asleep on his own. So we got a plan together, started a bedtime routine, and attempted over the last weekend. Apparently I am unable to let him cry for more than five minutes and he does not like falling asleep in that time. I wouldn't really even have tried but sometimes it takes an hour to rock him to sleep, he drifts off and wakes up again as soon as we move until he is finally very asleep so we put him down and he will wake up just a half hour later still sleepy. He is doing one five hour stretch after eating at seven unfortunately he doesn't fall asleep for the night until about nine or nine thirty so we still get about three hours of sleep. Once he falls asleep for the night he is great at going right back to sleep after eating every two and a half to three hours. I worry about his reflux being agitated by letting him cry and at the same time I want him to be able to get the sleep that he needs. So my question to all the wonderful moms I know is, what did you do? I know every kid is different but we need some ideas of what to try. His bedtime routine right now is eat, pjs, swaddle, story, and then ideally put him down drowsy but awake (here is where he protests). During the day I let him sleep in his bouncer and he will sometimes sleep for twenty minutes and sometimes two hours with intermittent bouncing to keep him asleep. Anyway, we aren't desperate yet (he is only almost three months) but I want to get in some good habits before we are desperate for sleep! (o, co sleeping is out just fyi. I can't sleep at all with him in bed with us). Thanks for the thoughts!
P.S. the post title sounds a little dramatic when in reality I just never quite know what to title my randomness as. So don't worry!
We are big fans of swaddling. We also have not yet upgraded James to his actual crib yet. Currently he sleeps in this:
So ... really no advice here, except that a. I have heard a routine is key, so it sounds like you have got that down and b. follow your own feeling on things like this -- the dr. is there for suggestions, but is not the end all be all for things outside of the medical realm (or even inside it when it comes down to it I guess). It also sounds like you have that in hand too though ... so I have nothing for you, except Nice Work! :)
So glad you survived! even though you a ton of help! :) THats so nice to have great friends and family around.
Although Trey has always been a really good sleeper...Here is what i've learned. Be consistent and ROUTINE is HUGE! I'm such a routine person. Trey has been going to bed at 8 for his whole life. His nightly routine is eat dinner, play, bath, brush teeth, read books, give bottle, put in crib. But thats just me. (i never rocked him to sleep..kinda makes me sad. He is a crib sleeper, at church during his naptime he won't fall asleep in my arms.) I heard a humidifier is a good thing to have in his room and maybe with the reflux have him sleep in an incline. Trey didn't have bad reflux so i'm not sure on that one. Trust your mom instincts. And you need to come down to AZ and visit me! :)
Binky? I do our routine, nurse, swaddle, set her down and give her the binky. She goes right to sleep, sometimes I have to put it back in but she's usually relaxed enough that she falls asleep quickly. As for crying, I did that with Max because thatsnwhat everyone pressures you into and I regret it. Follow your gut though And do what you think is best. He is still really little. I'd save the crying for when he is bigger and can understand better that you're still there. Right now he just needs you and that's the only way he can express it. Ps you look gorgeous! I miss you.
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