Friday, March 23, 2012


So I never usually do these and I'm not even sure I am the Nicole Lauren was referring to in her tag but I do need more reading material in the middle of the night and I happen to like Lauren so if she was tagging me I'd like to oblige. So...

1. Post these rules
2. Post 11 random things about yourself
3. Answer the questions provided by the one who tagged you
4. Create 11 new questions for the people you tag
5. Tag 11 people

11 Random Things

1. I love peanut butter and chocolate chips as a snack (even though it is probably more of a dessert)
2. I prefer not to wear shoes
3. I still have a hard time believing that Camden is my baby
4. I hate public pools (and crowds)
5. I use too many parenthesis in writing (obviously)
6. I usually assume people don't want to be friends with me (not because they're mean but because I'm shy)
7. I am super paranoid that Camden will die of SIDS
8. I can't fall asleep watching movies even if I have seen them before
9. I think I would like being a construction worker
10. I hate running
11. I love orange juice

Questions from the person who tagged me:

1. What is your favorite recipe? (has to be one you have actually made, not just pinned -- and please include the actual recipe and not just the name)

Puffed Oven Pancakes
4 Tbsp butter
6 eggs
1C four
1C milk
1/2 tsp salt

melt butter in glass 9x13 in 350 degree oven.
Slightly beat eggs and whisk in remaining ingredients.
Pour batter in melted butter.
Cook 20 min at 350.

2. How do you like to spend your free time?
Currently, watching Dan play with Camden.
3. What book do want to read next?
I have a really long list but I am working through the Sherlock Holmes books right now.
4. Favorite date night activity?
Making treats and watching movies.
5. A story you love to tell about someone you love?
I love to tell the story of when Dan first told me he loved me. It just makes me laugh. He was on pain meds and doesn't really remember telling me.
6. Who/What is your go to for inspiration/pick me up/good laugh?
I talk to Dan of course.
7. Do you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert? Explain your claim.
Introvert. I hate crowds, being the center of attention, and prefer to hang out at home.
8. If you could be famous for something what would it be?
I don't know. I guess for some kind of art.
9. Where is the best place to get french fries?
In n Out
10. Finish the following: My life would be complete if ...
It is complete for the time being!
11. Was the last movie you watched any good? (Bonus question: what movie was it?)
The last movie I saw in a theater was This Means War. It was actually better than I thought it would be. Cheesy but pretty funny.

Questions for the people I tag:
1.What is your favorite book
2. One thing you want to do before you die
3. What are you looking forward to this year?
4. What are you looking forward to this week?
5. If you could only watch one movie for the rest of your life what would it be?
6. Favorite vacation destination? (where you've actually been)
7. A quote that makes you happy
8. Where do you see yourself in 5 years
9. Best thing you've ever eaten (recipe if you have it!)
10. 3 words that describe you
11. Favorite thing in your house.

Anyone who wants to help me stay awake at three am!

1 comment:

Lauren Mc said...

Ah Nicole, thanks for responding to my tag! I usually don't do them either :).

On your 11 random things I there with you on 3, 5, 6. I keep wondering if the full reality of motherhood won't actually hit me until James is able to call me mom ... Also you are the second person in my life recommending puffed pancakes and This Means War (your description was almost exactly the same as the other I heard). So it looks like I will be looking into both :).

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