Thursday, December 22, 2011

updates and Baby news

Dan and I have had a lot of fun this past month celebrating the holidays. Activities included lights and hot chocolate with friends, multiple Christmas parties, making lots of treats, and some birthday celebrations too. Unfortunately Dan had a less than enjoyable activity too. He finally got his wisdom teeth out a couple of weeks ago. It was a surprisingly quick procedure but the recovery was not nearly as fun. He was a trooper though and smiled (bloodily) through it all :)
We have been trying to get some other things done before the baby comes including work! My last day was yesterday and it still hasn't hit me that I won't be going back in after Christmas. We hired a replacement and handed everything over to her! It has been hard quitting even though I am looking forward to a new adventure. Even on my last day I couldn't quite hand it all over and had to leave my office so the new girl could answer some questions. They did let me keep the cartoon of me one of my students made though.
Since Dan and I couldn't travel to Arizona for Christmas this year my family created a special cookie just for me! She's a little huge but that's about how I'm feeling now :)
So for my last 3 appointments or so the doctor has said the baby is breech. She suggested an external version and I went in this morning with mixed feelings. They do an ultrasound first, and this baby is pretty squished! He is measuring about 7lbs 8 oz already! Everything looked good except the cord wrapped around his neck. So the doctor (obviously) wouldn't try a version and I had a non stress test to see if I would be having a c section today. Luckily, he is doing just fine. I will go back in on Monday for another non stress test, if he's still good I'll have an appointment Thursday and then we have a C section scheduled for Jan 3rd! (Michelle you would be the winner of the guessing game so keep your fingers crossed) So, we will for sure have him here by then! I'm not too disappointed about having a c section because i really just want him to be healthy and safe and quite frankly neither delivery option sounds like fun :)

For Christmas Dan and I are going to try to take it easy and spend some time with his family. We will finish up a couple of baby things this weekend and then get ready to be parents! Crazy! I can't guarantee I will be good at posting a whole lot when the baby is born (i'll be a little preoccupied but I promise I will at least get one picture up.

We hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season!


Heather said...

we could share a birthday!! c'mon baby c'mon!

Lamps Family said...

c-sections aren't that bad. Hunter was a c-section and I would say, he was my easiest. It was done before I knew it. Recovery was harder, but as long as you get up and walk around, you should be fine. Hope everything goes well. I sure wish I could see all these babies being born. Sherri must be in heaven.

December 2019

 Still playing catch up. The boys wrote their letters to Santa on the long drive home. We went to Luminaria with the cousins and had our ann...