Friday, August 26, 2011

Warning: Baby Post!

So I really don't want to be one of those people that gets pregnant and then only posts about the baby because hopefully I will have a life and a baby, but we'll see. I figure it's been long enough though that I could give another update. We had our ultrasound last night and found out we are having a boy! We were both really skeptical and had to ask a couple of times if she was sure and she said she was 100% sure so I think we really are! We both would have been happy with either but wanted a boy slightly more so this is perfect! Now we can actually get some things done. First on the list is a name but I don't think we will have a final one picked until it's born so that one will be ongoing. Next, is the nursery. We pretty much have the shell done and now we can make it more boy specific.

Overall, I wanted it to be calming so we chose pretty light neutral things first:

Now we can throw some boy colors and things in! We made our first gender specific purchase. Aren't they adorable. I love tiny shoes so I knew I had to buy them and bonus, they match some Dan has perfectly!
That's pretty much it for now. We are going to AZ for Labor Day and we can't wait to have one more vacation!


Heather said...

oh darn! when are you leaving and getting back? I'll be in utah from wed-wed surrounding labor day

Lamps Family said...

I don't think it is crazy to post baby stuff. That is what is going on in your life and we like to hear about it. So please, keep the baby updates coming. That's what blogs are for.

Katie Mullins said...

Love the nursery so far. Cant wait to hear what other colors so I can make a blanket. Love you!

kami said...

Cute! And hooray for a fun!

If you have time on vacation maybe we can meet up for lunch? I'd love to see you (but I know it's always super busy when visiting family).

Joleen said...

Um, whoa. I'm a bit behind. Congrats on the baby! And I think his shoes are adorable...and a must. Invite me to your shower!!

Jenn said...

CONGRATS! I didn't know you were expecting, I'm so excited for you!!! Cute nursery, can't wait to see more pics!

December 2019

 Still playing catch up. The boys wrote their letters to Santa on the long drive home. We went to Luminaria with the cousins and had our ann...