Sunday, March 20, 2011

House updates

So Dan and I haven't been up to too much lately just settling into the post holiday routine. We have been looking forward to warmer weather and our upcoming trip to Maui! We spent some time the past couple of weeks trying to get our "office" and entry way looking more presentable. We didn't want to spend much money so we were looking for inexpensive solutions. Here is a before of the office:And some afters:
We had almost everything (except for the Ikea chairs) and just repainted, dyed, or recovered them. I think it looks like we actually put things there on purpose now instead of the all the leftovers that were piled in there before. There is a lot more I would probably do but I feel pretty good for now.

In the entry way we had this weird nook that we couldn't figure out what to do with. We found this piece at Home Goods that fits perfectly!
The entry table was another hard find because of the height we needed it. This is really a bookshelf but it works just how we had hoped. It still needs some baskets on the bottom shelf and something in the picture frame but it looks a lot less empty now.

We are trying to figure out what to do with our yard next. Its expensive but I love owning a house!


Klundt Family said...

Nicole, you have a real talent for decorating! Everything looks great!

Tara said...

Your house looks so nice! I love the decorating that you've done with it. You have a good eye for that stuff. It makes me want a house! Thanks for the comment on our blog! We're doing well! Hope you are too!

December 2019

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