Sunday, November 21, 2010


So Dan and I realized that we have no pictures of us from the past year so we had his sister take some for us on Friday. Here are some of the ones that turned out well enough to share:
We obviously don't pose well:

in the park:
Semi awkward:
This one is my absolute favorite! Hilarious! What are the odds?

Today our backyard looks like this. Sad huh:

O, I am working on repainting my dining room table too. Here is a peek:


Michelle said...

hahahhahahahaaaha! Nicole. Truly. So so funny. I love it. Love the table. I love seeing the photo updates of your house and can't wait to see them in person. So good to see you yesterday!

kami said...

so cute! i love your sweater.

if you have time when you're visiting family for thanksgiving, i'd love to see you! give me a call: 480-289-0082. drive safe!

Katie said...

Bahahaha that picture made me laugh out loud. Love it! And really miss you guys. A lot!

December 2019

 Still playing catch up. The boys wrote their letters to Santa on the long drive home. We went to Luminaria with the cousins and had our ann...