Thursday, October 28, 2010

fall ... before it is too late!

Dan and I have been too busy lately to think much about fall or halloween but when I woke up to this ...
... I decided I better get fall/halloween activities in before it is perma-winter in Utah!

We carved pumpkins and toasted pumpkin seeds (delicious!). In case you can't tell, mine is a peacock (or turkey)and Dan's is the logo for the Colts.

I had a Halloween party at work today and brought some festive desserts. Mmm, caramel apples. By the time I got to work all the caramel had melted off the apple (I have to have the heat on in my car!) so they didn't look quite as good for my students.
I also made meringue ghost cookies. It's like a little army!
My students always ask for cupcakes (even though I tell them I will make anything they want) so I decided I would at least make Halloween cupcakes! Vampires and Mummys!
We have a couple more fall things to do but I am already thinking about Christmas. I blame it on stores, work (I ordered poinsettias for the library today), and of course the snow! Even though it gets cold I do love this time year!

1 comment:

Klundt Family said...

Wow, Nicole, you are incredibly creative!

December 2019

 Still playing catch up. The boys wrote their letters to Santa on the long drive home. We went to Luminaria with the cousins and had our ann...