I actually have some pictures for this post so hopefully it won't be as boring as the last one. We have been pretty busy but I will just give you the highlights. First, Dan helped me welcome Spring (or Utah's version of it) by surprising me with some flowers!

Dan GRADUATED!!!!!!!!!! I am so proud of him! Now all he talks about is getting his big screen TV. During the last couple of weeks of school Dan flew out to Seattle to interview. Neither of us had been so I made him take some pictures to show me what it looked like:
Pike Place Market:

Down town Seattle:

After the interviews and graduation parties, we headed down to AZ for my mom's wedding. We decided to go through Vegas because of the snow (I told you Utah had a different version of Spring). I was excited to go over the dam and see the progress on the bridge but we were not expecting this!

On the drive we realized Dan forgot his sunglasses so he reached into Jared's glove box and found these. He kept singing Willy Wonka the rest of the trip.

Cori-o and I helped get the house ready for a barbecue and Ash took artsy pictures. (P.S. I dyed Cor's hair. Cute huh!)

We had a lot of fun at the wedding and the weather was gorgeous! We are so happy for my mom and Jay!

Unfortunately on the way back from sunny AZ there was an accident and we were stuck on the highway for 2 extra hours! We were (well mostly I was) definitely grouchy by the end of that 12 hour drive.

If you made it through all our
exciting updates then you get to hear the best one! (I saved it for only the die hard fans) Dan got a job! He starts at L3 Communications in SLC on May 17th. I'm sure many of you are thinking "We told you you would live in UT forever" and I know too many people who were actually praying for it but despite our often and adamant bouts of "hate-utah-itis" we are super excited for this next step in life. We are going to start looking for houses in the next couple of months and can't wait to move on and be adults (or our version of adults!). Besides .....L3 has a branch in Arizona.....so my (not so) secret plan is still working : )
My brother in law JUST got offered a job for L3 Communications. He starts June 1. They're moving from Tucson. Way to go DAN!
What a fun update, Nicole! So happy to hear what's going on...and CONGRATULATIONS on the job! Yay for you still being here---I, for one, am overjoyed that everything isn't changing drastically, yet.
Yay for a job! That is so very exciting.
And...happy birthday :)
So glad Daniel Graduated. Let us know what happens in the future. Congrats!
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