Thursday, March 18, 2010

i was waiting for pictures ...

but I still haven't taken any so I will just give you a quick update of the past month.

  • Dan had his 26th B-Day! All he wanted was a Nintendo Wii and now his life is complete. Thanks to everyone who chipped in!
  • My friend Heather and her husband came down for her sisters wedding. I remembered how much I miss just hanging out with them until Heather falls asleep (at 9pm!)
  • My dad and Julie came up to visit for Rachel's wedding. It was a blast having them here and watching them attempt to play Rayman and Tennis!
  • My mom also came up to visit for a day. We went wedding dress shopping and found some really hott shoes! We also ate way too much, of course! Thanks mom!
  • We passed the half way point of school for Dan.
  • I am currently enjoying my Spring Break by trying to catch up in classes. Fun huh!
  • Devin got his mission call to Eugene, Oregon. The state side tradition continues!
  • We both definitely have Spring Fever and can't wait for another 60 degree day.
  • ....that's good for now ....

1 comment:

Heather said...

oh come on! I fell asleep around 11...give me some credit :)

December 2019

 Still playing catch up. The boys wrote their letters to Santa on the long drive home. We went to Luminaria with the cousins and had our ann...