Sunday, May 16, 2010

b-day/house hunting

Just so you all know.... This is me right now.... Pretty huh...

For my birthday one of my students at work surprised me by filling my office with balloons and putting up a massive sign. She also thought it would be hilarious to give me a parenting magazine and baby clothes as a gift hence the baby bag. *** NO I AM NOT PREGNANT ***All I wanted for my birthday was grilled chicken and a relaxing night at home. Dan came through with his fantastic cooking skills (and a borrowed recipe, thanks George!)
Doesn't it look delicious! For the past week Dan and I have been looking at houses. We have seen 45 and still haven't found the right one. I love looking though. It is actually a lot more stressful when you are trying to decide if something will work for you though. Hopefully we will find something we like and be in by the end of the summer!

Dan starts his first day of "real life" tomorrow and has to be at work at 6:45! Until we move north it will be an hour commute for him. Wish him luck!


Lamps Family said...

I heard he got a job and you guys were looking for a house. That is so great. Congrats and happy house hunting.

kami said...

so fun!! i can't wait to see what house you find. ps, your hair is so long! and lighter?

Katie said...

Nicole!! That is so exciting! Where are you house hunting? Closer to Salt Lake I hope? Then I can for sure come visit you! Kapri doesn't do so well in the car, hence why I haven't been down there since she was born. And - that is so great Dan is working for L3! Jensen said that is a really great company. Very impressive. We miss you guys a lot! I hope you are having a lot of fun :)

Tara Lynn said...


i would like a new post, please! xoxo

Julie Radmall said...

Hi Nicole! I finally thought to check your blog and wow- so many exciting things happening for you! Congrats that Dan graduated and got a job at L3. We have a neighbor that works there (Greg McKinnon) and Nelson tells me it's a great company. Maybe you'll find a house close to Draper so we can see you more!

December 2019

 Still playing catch up. The boys wrote their letters to Santa on the long drive home. We went to Luminaria with the cousins and had our ann...