Monday, July 12, 2010

the last month or so ...

No pictures again. Sorry!
Dan and I are still working, going to school, and looking for houses. Dan really likes his job and is getting used to the earlier mornings. We both love having Friday's off but haven't been able to take full advantage of the three day weekends because we spend every Friday looking at houses. We have seen well over a hundred houses and have yet to find the perfect one. We have some good options but haven't felt like any of them were the one. It definitely has frustrating moments but we still just feel lucky to be moving on. I am currently taking my last class for my masters and will be finished August 12th (Hallelujah!). I cannot wait to be finished with homework!

Now that all the boring updates are out of the way here are some fun little things we have been doing to stay sane in our house hunt:

  • eating JCW ice cream cones wayyy to often
  • Hanging out with Dan's family wayyy to often ... Just kidding! We love being able to go out to dinner, see movies (Toy Story 3!), etc. with everyone
  • Playing Lego Harry Potter and re-watching the movies to match
  • collecting boxes for our future move
  • chowing down on my new favorite snack - Stacys pita chips - crunchy to reduce stress!
  • My roommates started a book club so I am re-reading Jane Eyre and enjoying some much needed girl time!
I'm sure there are more I am missing but I don't want this to get too wordy so I will leave it at that!

1 comment:

Tara Lynn said...

ummmm i posted. your turn!

December 2019

 Still playing catch up. The boys wrote their letters to Santa on the long drive home. We went to Luminaria with the cousins and had our ann...