Sunday, February 4, 2018

January 2018

We always get to start our years off with a celebration for Camden's birthday! He turned 6 and we can't believe it. He knew he wanted a pokemon party for like six months.

Sorting pokemon for thank you bags

Decorated for the partyy

He's six!!!

The haul

He loved his magic set and we LOVED the show!

The magnificent Camden

Playing the licking game

All his cake dreams came true

We had ten of his friends/cousins over and taught them to be Pokemon trainers

 We love celebrating our boys! Camden at six, loves to be funny, reads way above grade level, loves to be a helper, is the best big brother and is still a mamma's boy!

Wes also had a big milestone, he is out of his crib and into a big bed! So far he has slept all night and we hope we don't jinx it!

 I help at the school two days a week and Wes comes with me. He's basically part of the class now and loves to be involved with the big kids.

Pretending to be scientists in their lab
 We finally got a really good snow storm this winter and luckily it was over the weekend so we could play!

Wes  holding his own against the emporer

 My little kitty cats!

Riding the train at the train shoppe with cousins

These boys have been obsessed with playing with hangers lately. It's so fun to see them play together and use their imaginations!
Protecting me with their bows and arrows

In their submarines

I don't know what this is but they love it!

1 comment:

Jo Ann said...

So thankful you are such a great photographer, Nicole (and Dan). I love that you post so many pictures of your great family activities. I love you all.

December 2019

 Still playing catch up. The boys wrote their letters to Santa on the long drive home. We went to Luminaria with the cousins and had our ann...