Wednesday, November 15, 2017

October 2017

October finally arrived and the boys anxiously awaited Halloween! Luckily for them we had some fun adventures while they waited. Some of these are out of order because they're from Dan's phone.
Walking up to the park on the day Camden broke his arm.

Star Wars family at the ward party

Once around the parking lot was enough and they were ready to eat it all.

Grouchy two year old

Carving pumpkins

Chilling and watching conference

Wesley is definitely keeping us on our toes! Look at this goober face!

As soon as the boys see the Cornbelly's stuff going up in mid September, they are asking to go. So they were pretty excited when we went after school one day.

My little jack-o-lanterns!

Camden is also keeping us on our toes!

First school field trip!

and first bus ride!

We went to a pumpkin patch and picked out pumpkins this year. It's so funny to watch the kids deliberate!

Scary monster face!

Dad does the best story voices

This month, Camden fell at the park and broke his elbow. He handled everything like a champ and had so many sweet friends and family come bring him Legos and treats to help cheer him up. His arm was in a sling for a week and a cast for two more and is now completely healed! His favorite part of having a cast was getting to stay in at recess and help his long term substitute Mrs. Ellis!
Right before he fell off the cup thingy and broke his arm :(

So So Sad!

He loved getting to sleep in our bed though

Thanksgiving Point had a fun Scarecrow Festival. It took some convincing for the boys to get in the pictures.

He would not get any closer to the witch

Spoiled by Grandma Julie!
We had our annual cousin's Halloween party. Camden is pretty specific about what we do and what treats are served at the party. He loves to plan and make lists!

Just missing the babies

Again, this kid.

First, and hopefully last, cast.

At Gardener Village's witch hunt

One more from the ward Halloween party
We went to a little garden in Provo where they have fun games for the kids and a jack-o-lantern display.

This one cracks me up

A spider, a wolf, a spooky face, and a silly face!

Camden wasn't sure he wanted to go trick or treating this year but the pull of candy won in the end. They were out for about a half an hour and then headed home to enjoy the treats!
Digging in to the best part of Halloween.
We've been lucky and had some beautiful weather and really enjoyed a lot of outside things this year. Maybe I'm just finally getting acclimated and it's always been this nice in October! We walked to and from school almost every day until this week. Now snow is in the forecast and we're all actually ready to snuggle up and enjoy a cozy winter.

1 comment:

Jo Ann said...

So thankful you do these posts, Nicole. I love looking at the pictures. You are such a wonderful family.

December 2019

 Still playing catch up. The boys wrote their letters to Santa on the long drive home. We went to Luminaria with the cousins and had our ann...