Wednesday, February 15, 2017


All our snow melted! Well except for the giant pile by the mailboxes but even that is steadily shrinking!  I'm itching for Spring but along with our usual adventures, we have some February celebrations we're looking forward to first!
Snow tubes are fun even in the house!

We have had some pretty impressive snow falls in the last month and the mountain in our yard just kept getting bigger. Camden LOVED it and we were out there playing any chance we got.

Wes loves doing puzzles. I'm pretty excited!
he's also into licking. I'm not as excited
"cooter too"
"toopers" and ""chabers" and "odat" (yoda) are all new favorites too.
Bat brothers

Making a love tree
This kid has no fear
We needed to pretend warmth was coming so we had a Hawaiian day and watched Moana followed by some tropical smoothies and hawaiian haystacks
Movies are better with snacks

Ta da
Camden arranged the straws and umbrellas until they were perfect

A favorite game to play with Dad is "honk shoo" where everyone pretends to be sleeping
We've had the Fancy Nancy Valentine's Day book for a few years and Camden has been asking and asking to make Valentine's like Nancy. We had to have doileys, fuchsia glitter, sequins, and anything else Nancy had.
Such a cute team

This was a hyper space mountain valentine for Dad
Walking the line to the mail box
Some serious ninja camouflage work
Camden is always kissing Wesley
A sad split lip from one of many many falls
"Organizing is so fun!" He may be too much like his mom
Checking out an impressive nose bubble

Camden climbing the snow mountain at it biggest and dirtiest!

He doesn't believe me when I say the mound is too small for a decent igloo so we try anyway.

He snuck in to clean
 Camden has been working on a behavior chart to earn a chance to go see Lego Batman and we're getting close! It's really helped him get ready in the mornings and play with his brother while I shower. make dinner, or do some chores. I hope the habits stick!


My "helper"

We had a warm day! It was warm enough to walk to pick up Camden and Wesley and I thoroughly enjoyed it. We're hoping for many more days like that.

We don't have many decorations for valentines day so we decided to do some fun crafts this month to add some decorations.

Love Monsters!

Snuggle Monsters!
 We've mostly moved from snow to rain! It's still pretty cold but I'll take it.

We got to have a lot of family come visit to help celebrate Grandma Klundt's 80th birthday. It was so fun to see everyone. I wish we could do it more often.

Some jewelry making on our last day!

Dan got to open his Valentines day gift early 

He and all the boys in the house were pretty excited!

Vising with Pancakes

I love these goofy kiddos and their amazing Dad. We're pretty lucky to get to hang out every day! Now on to some big celebrations!


Klundt Family said...

I love all the photos, captions, and comments!

Jo Ann said...

What a great idea to let Camden have a camera. Aunt Ashley could give him some pointers, although he's doing great. I, too, love all the pictures and comments. Thanks,Nicole.

December 2019

 Still playing catch up. The boys wrote their letters to Santa on the long drive home. We went to Luminaria with the cousins and had our ann...